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    How to setup PureSpectrum Redirects in Alchemer



    Note: You must have a Professional subscription in order to implement our redirects in Alchemer.

    Embedding Variable Data 

    In order to properly pass back the PureSpectrum transaction_id, you must first store it from the Alchemer entry link.

    1.Place the cursor on your Question, and select “Action.”


    2.  Click the green “Add” button next to “Hidden Value.”



    3. In the “Populate with the following” field, type: [url("transaction_id")] and click “Save Action”.


    4.  Click “Move” on the right of the “Hidden Value Action,” and drag the block to the top of your survey.


    Adding the Complete/Term Redirects 

    1.  Return to the main survey build page 


    2.  At the bottom of your survey, next to “Add New:” select “Action


    3. Click the green “Add” button next to “URL Redirect”


    4. In the “URL” field, insert the Complete redirect and make sure that the first box is set to https://



    5. Scroll down to the bottom. Then click on the menu under “Fields to Pass (optional)” and select the “URL Variable” option. Label the URL Variable as “transaction_id”, then click “Save Action.”


    6.  To apply our "Basic Token" on the menu under “Field to Pass” select the “Static Value” option.  Label the Static Value as" ps_hash", then add in the static value key provided by our one of PureSpectrum project managers. 


    Sharing the Survey Entry Link 

    1. Click the “Share” button at the top, then click “Copy” next to the “Primary Link.” 

    2. Add “?” to the end of this URL and send the full URL to your project manager - Example:[%transaction_id%]

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