Marketplace Essentials

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    Download Reports (Account Level)

    Updated at November 27th, 2023

    Download Reports (Account Level)

    We understand it can be helpful for clients to look at the data across all projects on an account. To download a report on an account level, click on the person icon drop-down arrow, located on the top right of your dashboard, and select "Download Reports".

    Enter a date range.

    Select which statuses you would like included in the report.

    Click "Submit" when ready to download.

    After clicking the "Submit" button, your report shows as a "Pending" status until it has completed. 

    Refresh the page after a minute. The processing time will vary on the report size, but most reports should only take up to 10 minutes.


    Note: If you are receiving errors in processing or the Pending status is not cleared after an hour, the requested report result may be too large. Try again with either:

    • Shorter date range
    • Fewer included statuses

    If a large report is critically needed by your team, please feel free to reach out to your AM and we can provide data from our end as needed.

    Once the report has run successfully, the status will change to "Ready" and you can click on the "Download" button to access the report. 

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