Marketplace Essentials

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    Passing Variables via Survey Link

    Updated at March 7th, 2024

    Passing Variables via Survey Link

    At PureSpectrum we understand there are times where a project may benefit from having prescreened demographic information passed from our end into the survey entry link in order to verify respondent responses or to minimize redundant survey questions.

    You can append the variable name of your choice and add our qualification code in the appropriate bracket. In the example below, the qualification code 
    211 will represent Gender and the value passed through will be our condition code. If the respondent was Female, we would pass through our condition 
    code 112 ("&Gender=112").  Please note, you must add desired quota allocations to the survey in our platform to ensure all respondents are asked your needed demographic qualifications.



    Example of fully appended survey link to pass Gender, Age, Race, and Employment:[%%211%%]&Age=[%%212%%]&Race=[%%244%%]&Employment=[%%215%%]


    Example if the above registered a 25 year-old Female Asian respondent who works full-time:


    Below you’ll find our list of Qualification and Condition Codes. Again please note, you must add desired quota allocations to the survey in our platform to ensure all respondents are asked your needed demographic qualifications. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

    Common Demographic Qualifications & Condition Codes

    Qualification Qualification Code Condition Codes
    Gender 211

    111 - Male

    112 - Female

    Age 212 Numeric (i.e. “25” for an 25 year old respondent)
    Household Income 213 Numeric (i.e. “100000” for $100000 a year HHI)
    Race/Ethnicity 244

    111 - White

    112 - African American

    113 - Asian

    114 - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

    115 - American Indian or Alaska Native

    116 - Other Race

    Hispanic Origin 245

    111 - Yes

    112 - No

    Employment 215

    111 - Unemployed

    112 - Student

    113 - Part Time

    114 - Full Time

    115 - Retired

    116 - Contract, Freelance, or Temporary

    117 - Prefer not to answer

    Education 216

    111 - Some High School

    112 - High School Grad

    113 - Some College

    114 - Bachelor's Degree

    115 - Master's Degree

    116 - Doctorate Degree

    117 - Some Postgraduate

    118 - Graduate/Postgraduate Degree

    119 - Prefer not to answer

    Region 223

    1 - Northwest

    2 - Midwest

    3 - South

    4 - West

    Device 219

    111 - Desktop

    112 - Mobile

    113 - Tablet





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