Marketplace Essentials

Learn the basics related to logging in, creating and managing surveys, and configuring your account

    Review and Update CPI and Suppliers

    Updated at October 10th, 2024

    Review Platform Suggestions

    Once project specs, targeting audience, and  quotas have been entered, you can view the Marketplace feasibility and recommended average weighted CPI. The information is located on the top right-hand side of the page, inside the black bar. 

    Click on the Feasibility drop-down arrow to review each quota's feasibility vs desired goals. 

    Click on the CPI drop-down arrow to review each supplier's CPI along with their estimated feasibility.

    By default, all suppliers are selected (check-marked). To remove a supplier, uncheck the supplier.

    If removing suppliers, the feasibility and the recommended average weighted CPI will update as well.

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    Update Supplier Allocation and Details

    By default, all suppliers are selected (check-marked) and each supplier is allocated an even distribution of completes. The default flexibility is set to 100%, so there is no guaranteed quota assigned to any supplier. These values are merely starting points. 

    To change the allocation of completes by supplier, click on the CPI dropdown arrow and click on the "Supplier Allocation and Details" button. 

    Select suppliers you would like to include and click on the "Distribute" button.

    By default, the completes will be evenly distributed, but you can adjust if needed by editing either the Quantity or Percentage column.

    The flexibility defaults to 100%, but you can edit to as low as 0%, if you're looking to have a specific supplier achieve a specific number of completes. 

    After making your adjustments, scroll to the bottom of the pop out and confirm that the Total Remaining is set to 0, then click on the "Save" button. 

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    Set Survey Pause Threshold

    When a survey is a price-taking survey (no CPI override), you can set a maximum value that will automatically pause the survey using the Pause Threshold feature. The survey will allow suppliers to send their traffic but will pause the survey if the average CPI is coming equal to or higher than the inputted value. This happens if the actual Incidence Rate or LOI in field changes while fielding. 

    To activate, you can click on the CPI dropdown arrow and click on the "Supplier Allocation and Details" button.

    On the far right of page, click on the "Pause" drop-down arrow to set a max CPI limit.

    Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button to save any changes. 



    This feature is only available when you are a price-taking survey using the suggested CPI generated from the system with no CPI override.

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    Override the Suggested Price

    To override the suggested CPI, click on the CPI dropdown arrow and click on the "Supplier Allocation and Details" button.

    Click on the "Operator Override" drop-down arrow to override all supplier CPIs at the same time

    To edit each supplier separately, checkmark the "Selective Manual Override" box then go to each individual supplier and adjust their CPI at different price points. 

    Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button to save any changes. 

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