Marketplace Essentials

Learn the basics related to logging in, creating and managing surveys, and configuring your account

    Quota Management - Guide

    Updated at October 12th, 2023

    This article describes how to alter the Currently Open and Current Target quota fields to manage a survey’s quotas midfield. Please note that a survey has to be launched and have quotas applied in order to follow this guide.

    Quota Management Video



    Note that each quota will have a Current Target (CT) and Currently Open (CO) value. These both will alter how much open allocation is assigned for each quota.

    1. CT = the total amount needed to fill the quota (including already fielded sample)
    2. CO = the open remaining amount needed to fill the quota (excluding already fielded sample)

    Example: if we are looking for a total of 8 White respondents and have captured 3 White completes already then CT = 8 and CO = 5.

    Note: Both CO and CT can be set to exceed the Quota Goal or Field Goal, however fielding for that quota will be stopped when either Field Goal or Quota Goal are met.



    1. Locate the “Quotas” tab in your live or paused survey. All survey quotas are displayed here.

    2. Edit a single quota’s CT or CO value: Click on the value you wish to change and an editable input box will populate. Hovering over the CT or CO will show a pencil edit icon to help guide you.




    3. Input your desired CT or CO value and click the checkmark to save.

    a. In this example let’s cap Females at CT = 4.

    b. Note: When we change CT to 4, CO automatically updated to 1. Any time CO or CT are updated, the other field will update accordingly.



    4. Mass edit your CT or CO values: Toggle the “Edit CT' or “Edit CO” switches highlighted below. This will cause the entire column of CT or CO to be editable, and the user may use tab to move through each value.

    Additional Notes

    • As stated in Step 4. any changes to CO or CT will automatically update the other once changes are saved
    • When editing CO or CT, the other column will be locked from editing until changes are saved or canceled (eg you cannot change CO values when you are editing CT)
    • Despite CO or CT value, if overall project fielding goal or quota goal is reached then the quota will close


    Edit a single q
    uota’s CT or CO value: Click on the value you wish to change and an editable input box will populate. Hovering over the CT or CO will show a pencil edit icon to help guide you.
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