Marketplace Essentials

Learn the basics related to logging in, creating and managing surveys, and configuring your account

    Field Evenly Over Time - Guide

    Updated at November 15th, 2023

    (FEOT) Field Evenly Over Time

    There are many different strategies to fielding projects and ensuring representativeness of the fielded sample. Therefore, we understand there are projects where users desire an even distribution of completes over a set period of time. Field Evenly Over Time (FEOT) is a feature that takes the desired number of completes and divides them evenly over the defined number of days. 

    Example Project:

    Goal N Completes = 10 completes

    Field time = 5 days

    FEOT will allocate a max of 2 completes per day for 5 days and make sure to evenly distribute amongst quotas as applicable.

    Impacting Factors & Considerations

    Throttling the traffic to a survey requires exactness in a world where it doesn’t exist. Things that could impact FEOT's performance include:

    • QUOTA DIFFICULTY: Quota’s with differing feasibility will have differing results
    • GOAL/TARGETING ADJUSTMENTS: Adjustments to the goal will alter the volume of open positions on a daily basis

    Please also note FEOT is not a guarantee of delivery. Low Conversion will adversely affect FEOT projects. The following “off-pace” situations may occur:

    • In the event that one of the days was slow and goal completes were not met, FEOT will re-distribute the completes across the remaining days. 
    • If a project has not hit its goal at the end of the Field Time, the project will stay open and continue to run until manually shut down or the goal is achieved.

    Enable FEOT Feature:

    If you are unable to see the FEOT options described below, ask an Account Manager to enable the feature on your account.


    Applying FEOT to a Project:

    1.  After setting up quotas in a draft, save and progress to the “Finalize & Launch” page
    2.  On the right of the page under “Quota Features” locate the “Field Evenly Over Time” section
    3. Click the FEOT  toggle to “On” as shown below
    4.  Choose your desired time window.
      1. Daily - Will default to the inputted field time listed in the draft
      2. Custom - Choose a custom field time from the following time measurements: Hours, Days, Weeks

        Note: The custom desired time window cannot be longer than the initial inputted field time

    5.  Launch project after reviewing other desired specs
    6.  Upon project launch please note that the Current Target and Currently Open quota values have been updated based on the calculated FEOT quota. FEOT will continually update these values as scheduled.

    Note: FEOT relies on changing the Current Target and Currently Open numbers to control traffic. Please refrain from making manual edits to these numbers, quotas, targeting (including the goal completes) to ensure FEOT works properly.

    Also note that FEOT automatically opens up all quotas proportionally as seen in the Gender and Age quotas above.






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