Marketplace Essentials

Learn the basics related to logging in, creating and managing surveys, and configuring your account


    Updated at January 16th, 2024


    The market research industry's data quality landscape is ever-changing. PureScore™ is a comprehensive, machine learning driven scoring system designed to measure each individual respondent's data quality. A respondent's PureScore™ is a continuously updated marker that allows our system to quickly and efficiently identify suspicious and non-human quality behavior.

    PureScore™ focuses on numerous quality markers including:

    Deduplication We assign a unique PureSpectum ID (PSID) that allows us to easily dedupe or identify duplicate record attempts.
    Fraud Detection Our system checks dozens of verification markers including IP addresses, hash security failures, and signs of non-human bot behavior 
    Behavioral Quality Behavioral markers including, but not limited to, response times and reasonable security question answers factor into the respondent PureScore™
    Repeat PureScore™ is updated every day a respondent utilizes our platform

    A respondent's PureScore™ is lowered when a respondent's fraud markers and behaviors deviate from a standard respondent. The identified markers or combination of markers will determine the level of impact on the PureScore™. Once a respondent's PureScore™ is too low, they are prevented from taking future PureSpectrum surveys.

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