Marketplace Essentials

Learn the basics related to logging in, creating and managing surveys, and configuring your account

    Adding Advanced Targeting

    Advanced Targeting


    Adding additional targeting can be done by adding an Advanced Targeting question. Advanced Targeting questions help screen unqualified respondents when targeting for non-demographic quotas (eg. Pet Owners, B2B, etc.) to help overall IR/conversion.

    When an Advanced Targeting question is added it shows up as an additional question on the pre-screening page.

    Best Practices

    Aside from using Supplier Mapped Questions (see "Supplier Mapped Questions" note below), the following are recommended practices:

    • Applying only 1-2 Advanced Targeting questions to a survey to avoid respondent fatigue
    • Utilizing Specific Audience traffic channels to experiment with Advanced Targeting questions
      • Eg. If your parent survey has Advanced Targeting questions, launch a Specific Audience channel without the questions to drive genpop traffic
    • If the exact desired question or responses are not found in the current Library, use the closest related question or  you can reach out to your respective Account Manager or the Customer Success team: to add a Custom Question to your account.

    How-To Guide

    To add, click on the "+ Add Definition" box in the Advanced Targeting field.

    Start typing a question description or browse our advanced targeting library. If you cannot find a desired question, you can contact your Account Manager or to have a Custom Question created for your account.


    Supplier Mapped Questions

    It is recommended to prioritize the use of Supplier Mapped questions as suppliers have these qualifications profiled and will send qualifying respondents into the survey, leading to better IR/conversion. Additionally, these questions feature better estimated feasibility and cost calculations than non-supplier mapped questions.

    In order to find the Supplier Mapped questions please type in "Supplier Mapped" and review if an applicable question is available with the "Supplier Mapped" title.

    After selecting a question title, select the answer option(s) that will qualify for your survey. 

    Click the "Apply Targeting' button when you've selected all your answer options.

    You can add quotas for these questions by clicking on the "Add Quotas" hyperlink, allocate the number of completes per group. See Create Quotas

    You can add up to 2 more additional questions by clicking on the "+ Add Definition" box

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