Marketplace Essentials

Learn the basics related to logging in, creating and managing surveys, and configuring your account

    Review Account Dashboard

    Updated at June 13th, 2024

    Once you've logged into your account, you you'll be taken to a dashboard view where you can monitor and manage all of your projects. 

    Review Project Stats

    The main dashboard shows the basic metrics related to a specific survey ID, which can include: 

    Metric Metric Description
    Status The status of your survey
    Survey # The PureSpectrum assigned survey ID number
    Survey Title The title of the survey
    Fielded vs Goal How many completes were captured vs your project's end goal
    In Progress How many respondents are currently taking the survey
    Avg CPI The current average CPI of the project
    Current IR The current incidence rate
    Country The country the study is fielding in
    Manage (...) Allows you to manage your project, create a clone of your project, launch a Traffic Channel, or download a Survey Traffic Report
    Launch Date Shows the date that the project was launched from the draft stage
    Project Cost Shows the amount of costs for the project based on current completes
    Indicates if a project has been reconciled (Traditional Reconciliation only, does not account for Live Reconciliations)
    Health Check Summarizes the Health Check statuses per project, click on the arrow to see specifics or visit the Health Check page

    Dynamic Dashboard

    You may customize the metrics columns and order of metrics on your dashboard view by clicking the gear icon (⚙️) after the rightmost dashboard header. 

    A window will open up where you can check, uncheck, and drag & drop the desired column fields as desired.

    Create a New Survey

    To create a survey in the Marketplace Platform, click on the "+ New Survey" button, located on the top right of your dashboard. 

    Create New Survey Video


    Search Surveys

    By default, when you log in you'll be in your company's account dashboard under the live tab (indicated by a blue line). Each tab will organize your company's survey IDs by a specific survey status. You can also search for your survey by typing either the survey title or the survey id number. 

    Survey Status Filter Filter Description
    All All surveys created
    Live All surveys currently live and in field.
    Paused All surveys that were set live but have paused fielding. 
    Drafts All surveys that were created but never set live. 
    Closed All surveys that are closed.
    Invoiced  If the company's account is set to PO or Project invoice, this tab shows all surveys that have been invoiced.

    Search Survey Video


    Update Survey Status

    To update the survey status after a project has been launched, click on the Survey ID's status, and change to either Paused or Closed.



    Once a Closed status, you're unable to send that survey ID back to a Live or Paused status.

    If the company's account is set to PO or Project invoice, once a project is in a Closed status, you can change the status to "Invoice" if ready to invoice the project.

    If a project has an "invoice" status, an invoice will be sent to you the next day and the status can no longer be updated. 

    Update Survey Status Video


    Manage and Clone Survey

    To manage a survey, click on the ellipses "..." under the manage column on the right, then and click "manage" to open and manage your project.  

    Manage Project Video


    To clone a project, click on the ellipses "..." under the manage column to the right and click "clone" to create an exact replica of your study. All project setup information will be carried over to a new survey ID.

    Clone Project Video


    Traffic Channels and Reports

    To launch a traffic channel for a project from this menu, click on the ellipses "..." under the manage column to the right and click "Traffic Channels" then select the type of traffic channel you wish to launch. You can review the launched traffic channels by clicking into the survey and finding the "Traffic Channel" tab.

    Add Traffic Channel Video


    To download a project report from this menu, click on the ellipses "..." under the manage column to the right and click "Download Report". A zip file will automatically download which contains a .CSV report of the project data.

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