Marketplace Essentials

Learn the basics related to logging in, creating and managing surveys, and configuring your account


    Updated at September 15th, 2023


    When you first open your project to manage, by default you'll be in your quota management tab.

    Quota Columns Notes
    Quotas Created Quotas are grouped by demographics
    Fielded Vs Goal The number of completes currently captured in each quota group vs intended goal
    Current Target

    The current goal number of completes, this column is editable as you can increase or decrease your original quota goals

    Currently Open

    The number of completes currently open for suppliers, Currently Open = Current Target - Achieved

    Quota Progress Progress bar to show how close or far a quota is to achieving their goal number of completes
    In Progress The total number of respondents currently in the buyer's survey

    Search Quotas

    To search for a quota, type out your quota name in the search field box and the platform will filter the quota.

    In addition, if you click the filter icon, you can filter the project stats by either the PS Entry Date Range and/or by Specific Traffic Channel(s).

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    Edit Current Quota Targets

    To edit a quota’s current target, click on the number under the “Current Target” column, adjust to your desired amount, and click on the check icon to save. 

    If adjusting all quotas, click on the blue “Edit CT” button. 

    This will open all the quota’s Current Target field boxes. Enter your desired amount. Clicking the tab button on your keyboard will save the new current target and automatically go down to the next field box to edit. 

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    Lock Quota Targets

    Locking a quota will set the Currently Open to zero, not allowing any more traffic to come in for the locked quota group. 

    To lock/unlock a quota, click on the blue lock icon. A red locked icon means a quota has been locked. A blue icon will be unlocked.

    To lock multiple quotas, you can also select 2 or more quotas, then click on the red “Lock” button. 

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    Group Field Management

    The Group Field Management feature will edit the quotas' current target value to either a "%" of completes per each quota group or an "x" amount of completes per each quota group.

    Add a value and select percentage, then click the blue checkmark. Each quota will edit its current target to aim for the entered % of completes per each quota group’s goal.

    Add a value and select number, then click the blue checkmark. Each quota will edit its current target to aim for the entered number of completes in each quota group.

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    Review Specific Quota Metrics

    Next to each quota group’s lock icon, Click on the ellipsis to open a new window showing the individual quota metrics.

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    Expand and Review Specific Quota Details

    Click on the dropdown arrow at the end of the quota column to expand the quotas by supplier breakdown.

    Click on the “Supplier” button under “View by” to review how each supplier did per each quota group. 

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