Pacing Widget
The Pacing Widget is a new tool available through the Dynamic Dashboard that equips users with a chart to visually track a project's progress hour-by-hour using a data-driven algorithm. The Pacing Widget not only breaks down the number of completes per hour, but also dynamically calculates the number of completes needed to stay on pace for the inputted field time. Note when using this feature please provide the most accurate field time available, as pacing widget will only make calculations within the given field time.
Using historical PureSpectrum marketplace patterns, the Pacing Widget takes into account the average traffic during every hour of the day in the given country to give accurate and realistic pacing goals that go beyond simple distribution per hour. These detailed data points help set delivery expectations throughout the project.
Hour-By-Hour Overview
Hover over the Pacing Widget chart to see the hour-by hour overview of the project.
Grey Solid Line - Goal amount of completes to stay on pace
Blue Solid Line - Actual amount of completes
Blue Dotted Line - Projected future goal amount of completes to stay on pace
Hour - The fielded hour using 24 Hour Clock in Pacific Standard Time (ie. Hour 13-14 is 1-2pm PST)
Day - The fielded day (ie. Day 1 is the 1st day project has been in field)
Field Day Overview
Click on a specific data point to see more details about a specific field day displayed as a bar chart.
- Pacing Widget does not reflect any local holidays or events that may affect traffic.
- All hours are currently reflected in United States Pacific Time that matches Marketplace survey reports
- Hours with 0 actual/expected completes either due to pausing the project or low traffic hours will be represented as blank spaces in the bar chart as seen below.
Analyzing Pacing Widget
Underpace → Blue Solid Line underneath Grey Solid Line
- Take steps to increase traffic including:
- Increase CPI
- For overall project or specific open quotas through traffic channels
- Improve targeting
- Check if targeting criteria is accurate
- May apply any relevant Advanced Targeting questions
- Open more quotas if possible
- Increase CPI
Overpace → Grey Solid Line underneath Blue Solid Line
- May take steps to slow traffic including
- Lowering CPI
- For project or specific open quotas through traffic channels
- Targeting difficult quotas only
- Launch specific audience traffic channels to target difficult quotas
- Limiting number of suppliers
- Lowering CPI
How to Enable
Once an Account Manager enables the Pacing Widget for your account, use the Dynamic Dashboard gear (⚙️) icon to add “Pacing” to your dashboard.