Marketplace Essentials

Learn the basics related to logging in, creating and managing surveys, and configuring your account

    Quota & Supplier Allocation Throttling

    Updated at January 6th, 2025

    Quota Throttling

    Quota Throttling is a feature that more strictly limits the amount of respondents able to enter a given open quota.

    By default, the marketplace uses an algorithm dependent on the IR and the remaining open quota allocation to estimate how many respondents to let into an open quota. However Quota Throttling follows a more strict algorithm that seeks to prevent click-waste and quota overages by allowing fewer respondents to enter once a quota is close to reaching its goal.


    No Quota Throttling:

    If there are 10 completes remaining until goal, and the survey is converting at 10% IR, up to 100 respondents are allowed into the quota/survey at one time.

    With Quota Throttling:

    If there are 10 completes remaining until goal, and the survey is converting at 10% IR, up to 10 respondents are allowed into the quota/survey at one time.



    If you are interested in enabling Quota Throttling on your account, please contact your Account Manager.


    Supplier Allocation Throttling

    Supplier Allocation Throttling is a feature aimed to help projects that need precise management of supplier blends and allocations. Like quota throttling, this feature more strictly limits the amount of respondents able to enter the survey based on their supplier's given allocation.



    With Supplier Allocation Throttling:

    If a project has 50% IR and the supplier allocation is 25 completes, the platform will only allow 50 respondents from the supplier to enter the survey at one time. Additional respondents will be screened out before entering the survey.


    This feature will take into account flexibility. If a project has 50% IR and the supplier allocation is 25 completes and 75% flexibility, the platform will only allow 86 respondents to enter the survey at one time.

    25 allocation + (25 allocation x .75 flexibility) = 43 max completes

    43 max completes x .5 IR = 86 allowed clicks

    Supplier Groups

    When applied to supplier groups, the calculations for allowed respondents will be capped based on the supplier group allocation. 

    For example in a project with 50% IR and Supplier Group A with 50 supplier allocation, the overall supplier group will be capped at 100 respondent entries at a time.

    If Supplier Group A includes Supplier Green and Supplier Blue who both have 40 supplier allocation, Supplier Green and Blue will be individually capped at 80 allowed respondents. If Supplier Green achieves 80 respondents at one time, Supplier Blue will only be able to have 20 respondents enter because of Supplier Group A's overall 100 respondent entry cap

    50 Supplier Group A allocation x .5 IR = 100 allowed clicks for the group

    40 Supplier Green allocation x .5 IR = 80 allowed clicks for individual supplier

    40 Supplier Blue allocation x .5 IR = 80 allowed clicks for individual supplier



    If you are interested in enabling Supplier Allocation Throttling on your account, please contact your Account Manager.

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