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    (FEOT) Field Evenly Over Time

    Updated at November 16th, 2023

    (FEOT) Field Evenly Over Time

    There are many different strategies to fielding projects and ensuring representativeness of the fielded sample. Therefore, we understand there are projects where users desire an even distribution of completes over a set period of time. Field Evenly Over Time (FEOT) is a feature that takes the desired number of completes and divides them evenly over the defined number of days. 

    Example Project:

    Goal N Completes = 10 completes

    Field time = 5 days

    FEOT will allocate a max of 2 completes per day for 5 days and make sure to evenly distribute amongst quotas as applicable.

    Click Here for an in-depth guide to Field Evenly Over Time

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